HASHIRIM - Jewish Music in 4-part Harmony
Our current repertoire includes "Dona, Dona" in Yiddish (Zeitlin/Secunda, arr. Jacobson), "Walk to Caesarea" or "Eili, Eili" in Hebrew and English (Senesh/Zhavi, arr. Shur), "Fiddler on the Roof" medley (Harnick/Bock, arr. Leyden), "Ruach Elohim" in Hebrew and English (Levine, arr. Richards), "Bashana Haba'ah" in Hebrew (Manor/Hirsch, arr. Leavitt), and "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" (Berlin, arr. Ringwald).
We always welcome members' suggestions.
Chishki, Chizki Chorus recording
Bashana S A T B LB
Ose Shalom S A B
Butterfly S A B
Latkes S A T B
Durme S1 Durme S2 Durme MEN
LightOneCandle Soprano LightOneCandle Alto LightOneCamd;e Tenor LightOneCandle Bass
Tfilah Sop Tifilahmidi B Tfilah
Tradition Soprano Tradition Alto Tradition Tenor/Bass
May the Lord Soprano May the Lord Alto May the Lord Tenor/Bass
Matchmaker Soprano Matchmaker Alto Matchmaker Tenor/Bass
Matchmaker Tenor/Bass4sunriseS
4sunriseS.mp3 MP3 audio file [491.1 KB]
Sunrise Soprano Sunrise Alto Sunrise Tenor/Bass
To Life Soprano To Life Alto To Life Tenor/Bass
Anatevka Soprano Anatevka Alto Anatevka Tenor/Bass
Anatevka Soprano6anatevS
6anatevS.mp3 MP3 audio file [791.4 KB]
Al Shlosha Soprano/Alto Al Shlosha Tenor/Bass
Dodi Li Soprano/Alto Dodi Li Tenor/Bass
Dodi Li Soprano/AltoDODIsa
DODIsa.mp3 MP3 audio file [888.4 KB]
Dodi Li Tenor/BassdodiTB
dodiTB.mp3 MP3 audio file [1.2 MB]
Erev Tenor Dona Tenor/Bass
Erev TenorerevT
erevT.mp3 MP3 audio file [753.4 KB]
Dona Tenor/BassdonaTB
donaTB.mp3 MP3 audio file [1.0 MB]
Adijo Soprano Adijo Alto Adijo Tenor Adijo Bass
Adijo Soprano Adijosop
Adijosop.mp3 MP3 audio file [939.2 KB]
Dona Soprano Dona Alto Dona Tenor Dona Bass
Elojai N'tzor Soprano Elojai N'tzor Alto Elojai N'tzor Tenor Elojai N'tzor Bass
Elojai N'tzor Solo
Erev Soprano Erev Alto Erev Tenor Erev Bass
Erev SopranoerevS
erevS.mid mid File [13.2 KB]
Heal Us Soprano Heal Us Alto Heal Us Tenor Heal Us Bass
Heal Us Solo
Mayn Rue Soprano Mayn Rue Alto Mayn Rue Tenor & Bass
Mayn Rue SopranoMayn+sop
Mayn+sop.mp3 MP3 audio file [1.2 MB]
Mayn Rue Tenor & BassMayn+Mena
Mayn+Mena.mp3 MP3 audio file [1.5 MB]
Samachti Soprano Samachti Alto Samachti Tenor Samachti Bass Sheman Tenor
Unetaneh S Unetaneh1S_S Unetaneh A Unetaneh1S_A Unetaneh1S_T
Unetaneh B Unitech 1S B
Yeish Soprano Yeish Alto Yeish Bass Yeish Solo
Bashana Tenor Fiddler Tenor/Bass Matchmaker Tenor/Bass Sunrise Tenor/Bass T'filah Bass
Yeish SopranoYeish+s
Yeish+s.mp3 MP3 audio file [1.8 MB]
To Life Tenor/Bass
Sopranos: Rogers and Hammerstein on Broadway Surrey with Fringe On Top Wash That Man Out Hair
June is Bustin Out Just Because it's June Whistle A Happy Tune Do Re Mi It Might As Well be Spring Nothing Like Dame
Shall We Dance You'll Never Walk Alone
mi_chamochah_S mi_chamochah_A mi_chamochah_T mi_chamochah_B
Adonai_Roi_S Adonai_Roi_A Adonai_Roi_ T Adonai_Roi_ B
Yom Hashoah: Zog Nit Keynmol Ashrei Hagafrur Alto
Old Irish Blessing (choir)
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Please remember to sing through all vowels for the duration of the note. Put consonants on at the very end, or at the very beginning of the next word. So, for example, when we see "Heal us now" on the page, what we sing is "Hee luh snah." If you have questions about this, please talk to Billie at rehearsal.
Jewish Music on the Peninsula